
This is a place you will find inspirational and motivational spiritual writings by both known and unknown authors. It will also serve as a place where you can find various affirmations, that I hope will help inspire you along your journey.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happiness - Where does it start?

People may search for happiness by buying a car or a house. They may even search for this happiness through another person. But, they are searching for happiness in all the wrong places. Happiness has to start from within. The car, house, or person may bring you some happiness. But once that euphoric feeling wears away, and eventually it will fade, you will then find yourself grasping for something or someone else in hopes of obtaining that happiness again.

It is important to have self-love, inner peace, and inner happiness. Because you cannot bring that which you lack into the life of another. Know that you are no greater or no less of a person than the person next to you. No matter your position in life, be it in the physical or spiritual world, we are all children of God. We are all children of the Universe. The only difference between us is our level of spirituality. We are individual boats in the same ocean of life paddling towards the same destination at our own pace.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

When we allow ourselves to become upset or disappointed about something someone close to us may have said or done; be it your child, husband, wife, or friend. We may often times be too quick to judge that person or situation without looking at what our part may have been. Which in turn may cause us to react in such a way that we do or say the wrong thing. I know this has been my own personal experience. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to take an honest look at ourselves and admit that we may have been wrong.

For years I kept the following poem written by Maya Angelou pinned on my bulletin board at work. I kept this poem in front of me so I could read it everyday. And remember what is most important to me; my family. I find this poem to be very humbling.

"If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love. Don't be surly at home, then go out in the street and start grinning 'Good morning' at total strangers."

- Maya Angelou